Friday, August 1, 2014

The Social Media Job Fair™…expanding job frontiers!

The biggest challenge of the teeming population of young people in Nigeria is unemployment and sometimes it is said to be “unemployability”.
Interestingly the need for the use of social media to provide customer service functions, position brands globally and provide information on the go, has become increasingly necessary.

Most indigenous organisations are however yet to understand the power of social media and thus lagging behind in leveraging it to maximise their brand impact. When they eventually realise the need, there will be a double challenge due to a dearth of well taught social media users who can be employed to work within such organisations to carry out these functions.

The Social Media Job Fair™ is positioned to explain these paradigms while matching corporate/ enterprise social media needs with professionally trained integrated social media users and also espousing the opportunities that abound within this sphere as a job sector that can provide jobs for millions in Nigeria and across Africa soon.

The Social Media Job Fair™ made its debut on June, 18th 2014 at Universal Hotel Enugu sponsored by DIP Consulting and the founding company Logos Audibles. The fair is in a city/country tour awareness mode.

The Social Media Job Fair ™ is set to hold in Abuja, Lagos and more cities in 2014. Participation is FREE and expected participants are Government organisations, Private organisations, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Talent Managers, Marketers, Students, Stay at Home mums, and everyone that wants to make an impact and position their brands globally.

Exhibitions stands are strictly for: Social media Job vacancies, Computers hardware and software companies, Media, Telecommunication company, Internet providers and related companies to add spice to this knowledge-fair.

The Social Media Job Fair ™ is a great opportunity for organisations to shop for social media employees, potential social media entrepreneurs to get trained and non-social media entrepreneurs to leverage on social media for maximal global impact.

Abuja is billed to take place in September and sponsors and partners are welcome.

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